An auto insurance claim is when you file a complaint with your insurer because you think you are owed compensation for damages or injuries. You can make an auto insurance claim for almost anything, but how many car insurance claims can Continue Reading
Month: December 2021
The split between liability and personal property coverage is at the heart of most homeowner’s insurance policies. It can also be a major source of confusion for many people who purchase homeowners insurance. That’s because Continue Reading
As winter begins to settle in and the roads get more hazardous due to weather conditions, it is even more important for motorcycle riders to be aware of safety precautions they should take while riding. Motorcycles offer a unique Continue Reading
When you’re a business owner, there are a lot of things to worry about. But one thing you don’t want to have to worry about is getting injured on the job. That’s where workers compensation insurance comes in. You may Continue Reading
An auto insurance claim is a request for compensation from an insurer after a loss. It can refer to any type of damage and property. But it generally refers to the property, both tangible and intangible. This may include physical Continue Reading
You’ve probably heard of commercial insurance, but do you know that there are many ways commercial auto insurance can protect you? Commercial auto insurance is similar to car insurance. But the difference comes in what type of Continue Reading
There are many things that your car insurance company can do to lower your premium or raise it. One of the more recent is known as Telematics. When you enable it, this allows an insurer to monitor how well you drive and where you go. Continue Reading
There are many reasons why people choose to purchase high performance boats. They may be looking for a new hobby, love boating, or want to spend time with their family during the weekends away from school and work. The one thing that Continue Reading
CGL Insurance is one of the most basic forms of business. Commercial General Liability Insurance provides broad coverage for bodily injury, and property damage. It also covers personal and advertising injury that may occur in your Continue Reading
Living in a home you don’t own is often much more affordable than living on your own. This affordability comes with downfalls. One of which can be an inadequate insurance plan. Renters must understand the benefits of liability Continue Reading